Thursday, January 29, 2015

A New Year, A New Word

I guess the New Year isn’t so new anymore. Some of the shiny is worn off by now. Many good intentions have already fallen by the wayside. I have been under the weather for a good portion of January, so I feel like I lost this month somehow. I have been cheated out of one of my favorite times of the year. But somehow I don’t think that the shingles virus cares all that much about me or what I would prefer, so time marches on.

Yes, I have shingles. Yes, it completely lives up to the hype. Yes, I am so ready to be done with it. And yes, I will overcome this and feel better again because I know that God answers prayer!

Anyway…I gave up the roller coaster of resolutions several years ago. I just got tired of constantly feeling like I was missing the mark. So instead of making a lot of empty promises, I now choose one word each year to be my focus. Last year’s word was “change.” I was quite intentional with that choice because I knew that there were a lot of changes coming for me in 2014 and I wanted to be ready. I would love to tell you that I handled it all gracefully, but I would be lying. I did handle some things pretty well. But there were some ugly moments, too. It was God’s grace that smoothed out those rough places and carried me through. I learned a lot about myself and how to deal more effectively with change.

My word choice for this year took quite a bit of thought. There are so many areas where I know I need to progress. A perfectionistic person is never at a loss when it comes to self-improvement! After several days of contemplation and a very encouraging conversation with my family over breakfast one morning, I finally found the right word. My one word for 2015 is…EMBRACE. One of the most important lessons I learned about change is that resistance makes everything more of a challenge. Leaning in and working with the process makes it so much easier to move forward. So this year I am going to focus on really embracing life. I guess I should since that is in the name of this space where I share my heart.

Embrace adventure. Embrace wholeness. Embrace community. Embrace opportunity. Embrace challenges. Embrace identity. Embrace purpose. Embrace God’s promises.

Even though I've had a bit of a rocky start, I am looking forward to what 2015 has in store for me. Lots of life to embrace!

“May you live all the days of your life.” ~Jonathan Swift

1 comment:

  1. Oh no! Not shingles! I really feel for you. My mother has been suffering from them since May of last year. I truly hope yours goes away faster than hers. Hang in there. Prayers for you and your family.
